As months have passed with the war with COVID-19, we learn of the effects of a microscopic virus to humanity - from health concerns, to financial burdens, to even emotional turmoil - and the most affected would be the most vulnerable ones in our society. Who knew that a virus could cause even the worst of heartaches among the youth?
With all the uncertainty that a band of students face, they’re left to wonder among themselves about the what-ifs of their situation. How much better would our lives be if this virus didn’t exist?

It's been almost two years and counting, yet for many of us, little to nothing has changed. Succumbed to the usual drawbacks of quarantine, some even have to deal with a whole new plethora of problems that each year brings: virus cases, cancelled plans, the uncertainties of going to college, and taking care of our mental health. Questions of what if? and what could have been? having once crossed our minds.
Different lives, goals, and dreams, but same hardship and hope – a light at the end of the long, dark tunnel.