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  • Writer's pictureEliana Trinidad

Tips Towards Your Dream University



Every year thousands of graduating high school students take various entrance exams as one of the requirements for university and college admission. However, because of the pandemic, the college entrance tests were temporarily discontinued, resulting in the different colleges and universities relying on students’ grade point average, letter of recommendation, and other personal information relevant to their cause for admission. Other universities in the country, such as Ateneo De Manila University and De La Salle University, will revive the College Entrance Test (CET) for academic year 2023-2024.

In an interview with Pau Trinidad, a graduate of Colegio San Agustin (CSA) - Makati batch 2015, he revealed useful tips to help fellow CSA students in preparing for the CETs.

  1. Review general concepts.

  2. Go to review centers, but if funds are lacking, use review materials instead.

  3. Always allot time every day to review for the CETs. Even as small as an hour or two every day can help. Consistency is better than intensity.

  4. Track your schedule.

  5. Plan beforehand how you will enter your designated test venues.

  6. Prepare your lunch, or know where to buy food within your designated areas. When there is an allotted time to eat during the test, eat lightly because eating heavily will induce you to be light-headed and sleepy. This will be hard for you to concentrate during the latter part of the exam. Eat “brain foods” and sugary foods to help maintain competent energy levels.

  7. When taking the exam, always take note of the time limit. When answering time-pressured tests, study shortcuts in solving problems or the tricks in remembering different formulas and terms. Use mnemonics. Have a keen eye for inductive reasoning and perceptual faculty. Know how to compare and contrast the different figures

  8. For Ateneo de Manila University’s CET, know how to handle time pressure to ace it. There is no time to review your answers. You must always be sure and accurate. Take a deep breath. You got this!

Follow these tips, and you can raise your chances of being admitted to your dream university!



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